New phone services to help protect Norfolk’s children and young people 
Following the launch of the See Something, Hear Something, Say Somethingcampaign, calling on the public to look out for Norfolk’s children and report any concerns, Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership is reaching out to Norfolk’s children and young people, with a social media campaign promoting a new phone line and an extended texting service.

The new phone number 0344 800 8029 will be manned by children’s social workers at Norfolk County Council, who have extensive training and experience of working with children.

ChatHealth, which can be reached on 07480 635060, is an existing and very popular NHS texting service for young people in Norfolk. It is run by Norfolk Children and Young People’s Services and in partnership with social care will be expanding its support and resources to provide the extended safety texting service.

Children and young people will be able to contact the services if they are scared, or if they are worried about their friends or other young people.